29 research outputs found

    Fitness landscape-based analysis of nature-inspired algorithms

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    As the number of nature-inspired algorithms increases so does the need to characterise these algorithms. A rigorous process to characterise algorithms helps practitioners decide which algorithms may offer a good fit for their given problem. One approach is to relate the characteristics of a problem's associated fitness landscape with the performance of an algorithm. The aim of this thesis is to capitalise on the notion of fitness landscape characteristics as a technique for analysing algorithm performance, and to provide a novel algorithm- and problem-independent methodology that can be used to present the strengths and weaknesses of an algorithm. The methodology was tested by developing a portfolio of six nature-inspired algorithms commonly used to solve continuous optimisation problems. This portfolio includes the performance of these algorithms with parameters both “out of the box" and after they have been tuned using an automated tuning technique. Each of the algorithms shows a different “resilience" profile to the landscape characteristics, and responds differently to the tuning process. In order to provide a more practical way to utilise the portfolio an automated “ranking" methodology based on two machine learning techniques was developed. Using estimates of the fitness landscape characteristics on benchmark problems, the best algorithm to use is estimated, and compared with the actual performance of each algorithm. While results show that predicting algorithm performance is difficult, the results are promising, and show that this is an area worth exploring further. This methodology has significant advantages over the current practice of demonstrating novel algorithm performance on benchmark problems, most importantly offering a practical, generalised overview of the algorithm to a potential practitioner. Choosing to use a technique such as the one demonstrated here when presenting a novel algorithm could greatly ease the problem of algorithm selection

    Integrated metastate functional connectivity networks predict change in symptom severity in clinical high risk for psychosis

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    The ability to identify biomarkers of psychosis risk is essential in defining effective preventive measures to potentially circumvent the transition to psychosis. Using samples of people at clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR) and Healthy controls (HC) who were administered a task fMRI paradigm, we used a framework for labelling time windows of fMRI scans as ‘integrated’ FC networks to provide a granular representation of functional connectivity (FC). Periods of integration were defined using the ‘cartographic profile’ of time windows and k‐means clustering, and sub‐network discovery was carried out using Network Based Statistics (NBS). There were no network differences between CHR and HC groups. Within the CHR group, using integrated FC networks, we identified a sub‐network negatively associated with longitudinal changes in the severity of psychotic symptoms. This sub‐network comprised brain areas implicated in bottom‐up sensory processing and in integration with motor control, suggesting it may be related to the demands of the fMRI task. These data suggest that extracting integrated FC networks may be useful in the investigation of biomarkers of psychosis risk

    Patient-reported outcome measures for hip-related pain: A review of the available evidence and a consensus statement from the International Hip-related Pain Research Network, Zurich 2018

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    Hip-related pain is a well-recognised complaint among active young and middle-aged active adults. People experiencing hip-related disorders commonly report pain and reduced functional capacity, including difficulties in executing activities of daily living. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are essential to accurately examine and compare the effects of different treatments on disability in those with hip pain. In November 2018, 38 researchers and clinicians working in the field of hip-related pain met in Zurich, Switzerland for the first International Hip-related Pain Research Network meeting. Prior to the meeting, evidence summaries were developed relating to four prioritised themes. This paper discusses the available evidence and consensus process from which recommendations were made regarding the appropriate use of PROMs to assess disability in young and middle-aged active adults with hip-related pain. Our process to gain consensus had five steps: (1) systematic review of systematic reviews; (2) preliminary discussion within the working group; (3) update of the more recent high-quality systematic review and examination of the psychometric properties of PROMs according to established guidelines; (4) formulation of the recommendations considering the limitations of the PROMs derived from the examination of their quality; and (5

    Impact of educational interventions on adolescent attitudes and knowledge regarding vaccination: A pilot study

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    © 2018 Carolan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Background Current immunisation levels in England currently fall slightly below the threshold recommended by the World Health Organization, and the three-year trend for vaccination uptake is downwards. Attitudes towards vaccination can affect future decisions on whether or not to vaccinate, and this can have significant public health implications. Interventions can impact future vaccination decisions, and these interventions can take several forms. Relatively little work has been reported on the use of vaccination interventions in young people, who form the next generation of individuals likely to make vaccination decisions. Method We investigated the impact of two different types of educational intervention on attitudes towards vaccination in young people in England. A cohort of young people (n = 63) was recruited via a local school. This group was divided into three sub-groups; one (n = 21) received a presentation-based intervent ion, one (n = 26) received an interactive simulation-based intervention, and the third (n = 16) received no intervention. Participants supplied information on (1) their attitudes towards vaccination, and (2) their information needs and views on personal choice concerning vaccination, at three time points: immediately before and after the intervention, and after six months. Results Neither intervention had a significant effect on participants’ attitudes towards vaccination. However, the group receiving the presentation-based intervention saw a sustained uplift in confidence about information needs, which was not observed in the simulation-based intervention group. Discussion Our findings with young people are consistent with previous work on vaccination interventions aimed at adults, which have shown limited effectiveness, and which can actually reduce intention to vaccinate. Our findings on the most effective mode of delivery for the intervention should inform future discussion in the growing “games for health” domain, which proposes the use of interactive digital resources in healthcare education

    Shifts in attitude.

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    <p>For each participant within a group, we denote a positive attitudinal shift with “+”, a negative shift with “-”, and no shift with “0” (“x” denotes the fact that no response was recorded.</p